This is me.
Tagaytay: A Lot of Wow

I've been putting off writing a post on my trip to Tagaytay last week.

It's just that I don't know what to say. The trip was wonderful in different ways; it seemed like such a huge task to actually describe it.

But since my two months of vacation from all things scholastic started last Friday, I think it's time to take the bull by the horns.

So. Tagaytay.

It's a great place.

I'm not going to start spouting tourist information anytime soon, so you can just click here to find out more about the area. The views are awesome though, and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.

I actually attended a Bible conference over there with some relatives and church friends. And it was just WOW.

For one thing, I got a lot closer with some of my cousins.

Like Jonny.

And Allie.

I also started a conversation with a cousin I hadn't spoken to at all. Since I was born. It was pretty awkward, at first, but it turned out great.

Cousins aside, I got to know a lot of other people better. A few people who often got on my nerves --- due to personality differences, actually --- just didn't anymore. They ended up being pretty cool.

Most of all, I got closer with God. He became more real to me.

I've always thought there was a God somewhere, and that He loved me. There just seemed to be too many coincidences in life that could only point toward Someone who made it all happen.

I'm not trying to argue with anyone here, and I respect you, dear Reader, even if our beliefs differ. I guess I just can't help bringing God into my posts; He's an integral part of me.

Well, that conference taught me so many things --- more things than I can post about with an acceptable number of words. I learned I wasn't as serious about following God as I could be. I mean, I said I loved Him and talked about glorifying Him in the things I did. But, like a speaker said, love is spelled as T-I-M-E. I couldn't say I loved God when I was always racing through my time with Him so that I could do other "more important" things.

I'm definitely putting more of my time into my relationship with God. Because nothing else matters as much.

I was also reminded to do everything with joy for God. How did the speaker say it?
Many Christians live like Jesus is dead. They get moody about little things, are very superstitious, and act like everyone else. We should be different. We're supposed to be joyful because we know Jesus is alive!
Now, this does not mean Christians are supposed to walk around like they're giddily high on drugs. There's a time to be happy, and a time to be sad. But I'm reminded to always be hopeful, and not to make it difficult for others when things don't go my way.

So what if things go wrong, and people leave me? I don't need to whine incessantly because I have hope that the story of my life has a great ending. A great Author has made it perfect for me; I just don't know it because I'm still in the middle of the book.

And lastly, God reminded me that He loved every part of me. Even the dark parts that no one knows about. I remember sitting with my head in my hands, and asking God what He wanted to say last week. I suddenly felt like I'd been dropped into a warm ocean; I was drowning in God's love. I felt so strongly that God was hugging me and telling me He'd forgiven me for every stupid thing I've ever thought or done.

That's a pretty tall order, and it made me cry.

I came back from that trip a bit wiser, a lot happier, and much more assured that Someone up there was in my corner.

What can I say? The trip was awesome.

Daisy on 3/31/2008 01:42:00 AM