This is me.
Last Hurdle Before Summer

I once dreamt my class was taking a long exam. It was so long that the testpapers piled up five feet tall. It was so long that two days passed in my dream, and we were still taking it. I can recall hearing my professor scream at us in the background about how long we were taking.

Suffice to say, I was glad to wake up from that dream.

Well, it's finals time where I'm from, and that dream is partially coming true. Everyone's schedules are disjointed, exams are popping up as far as the eye can see, and people face the gloom and doom of failing grades. Yet somehow, you can almost smell summer in the air; it's like waiting for the sun to come up when the sky's getting lighter in the mornings.

Anyway, my friends and I are all drowning in Chemical Engineering data. I think it's caused slight damage; I can't seem to even think about subjects unrelated to my college education. Subjects like food --- which I've often forgotten to eat lately --- and even sleep.

In a queer way though, I'm still having a lot of fun reading and learning everything.

Times like these, I am so glad I love the course I've taken for college. That last sentence is the thought that keeps me going when I'm reading six or seven textbooks at the same time. It keeps me going when I read about equations and concepts I still can't define after three years. It gets me memorizing details, and makes reading about batteries and whatnot much more enjoyable.

Not to say that it isn't difficult though. Sometimes, my brain just wants to fall apart so badly that I end up doing mindless things during my breaks. I've been reading light fiction books, and watching cheesy teenage movies lately. I've also been praying a lot. I guess God's helping me grow through this.

Friends help too. Like today.

I was starting to panic after a three-hour exam this afternoon. I'd studied hard (harder than I've ever done, in fact) and prayed I'd get enough questions right. But when said questions were given out, I couldn't answer anything. Nothing I'd studied seemed to be the right answers.

I did eventually come up with some solutions --- we're talking three hours, after all --- but I was in trouble. Especially after I finished the test and found out my answers didn't sound like anyone else's.

I really didn't want to fail. I mean, I could do so much better.

Hubby (that's Joni to you, dear Reader) made me feel a lot better though. She reminded me how well I'd done on two other tests, and how that would count. She ribbed me about how good my grades were on a class project, and how there wasn't anything to worry about. We compared results, and I realized I didn't do so bad after all.

Hubby and me

That was a relief.

The thing that touched me though was when she said she'd be praying for me. It's quite a simple thing, but not many people have told me something like that. I guess it was God's way of reminding me to quit worrying. I'd done my best; now I'd trust God to take care of what I couldn't control.

And a very appreciative thanks goes out to all my friends (you know who you are) for making the finals less stressful this year.

Thanks a lot.

Daisy on 3/13/2008 06:50:00 PM