This is me.
Lunch, Zits, & Midterms

I think that plate of chorizo (native sausage), scrambled egg, and newly-cooked rice was the perfect treat for lunch after stressful classes.

Not that I binge when I am emotionally unstable, but good food does cheer me up when my schoolwork seems shot in the foot.

Especially today. I was so behind everyone else in lab class; they were moving to a new part of the experiment --- some were actually finished --- while I was still calculating and redoing the same part of the procedure. I was so stressed out that my hands shook while writing and using my calculator. But God's always good, and I finally got the solutions right after the three-hour period. I'm still behind, and have to make up for it during my free time though.

I'm just relieved that part of the experiment (which I've been doing for six hours) is done.


On a happier note, check out this comic panel. It really made me laugh.

Zits is one of my favorite comic strips. I've been reading it since I started high school.


Midterms are coming next week. I'm looking forward to it. I mean, sure, I have a ton to study, but nothing beats the truckload of free time I get next week. I have no class next Monday, morning classes on Tuesday, only three hours of class next Thursday, and only an hour of class on either Wednesday or Friday. Life is good.

I'll actually have time to do other things I want to do: draw, read my Bible more, catch up on a good biography, and maybe make a blog design. I've actually been trying to revamp my blog, but I'm still going over exactly how I want the new design to look like. Pretty picky, I guess, but I figure the new design will last for months. I'd like to have something I could really be proud of.

I've also been studying more advanced HTML codes lately. Maybe something I've learned will show up in future designs. :)


Oh, I almost forgot. I mentioned a Don Moen concert I'd gone to in my last post.

Well, it was pretty cool. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to show for it. I did take some but they didn't look all that good.

Anyway, the audience danced, cried, clapped, and sung along to all the songs. We had a great time though some parts were a little slow. It was a little disappointing though how he left immediately after the show. Maybe he was pretty tired from jetlag or something. They're going to have a lot of shows to do after all.

I guess that's about it. I'm getting sleepy. Until next time then!

Daisy on 8/01/2007 09:49:00 PM