This is me.
Home again

Here I am back in ultra-tropical weather with some jetlag and lots of memories.

I really feel I didn't blog well enough about this trip. There were just too many pictures and too many experiences. Don't get me wrong; I remember them all. Sometimes my brain goes about five times faster than my fingers can type though. Not to mention my blogging tendencies have been sabotaged by my need to sleep earlier due to jetlag.

And there are always the times I'm too lazy to blog, of course.

LOL, someone commented that I sounded like a Disney commercial in the last post. The truth is I am a Disney commercial. My whole childhood and a large part of my teenage years were spent watching Disney movies and singing Disney tunes. I even started cooking with Minnie Mouse cookbooks.

So. Some pictures to sweeten the mood.

The Six & Lady Liberty

We really enjoyed visiting the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, KD hadn't thought to bring his jacket and got pretty cold on the ferry going there. He ended up putting an arm in my jacket, the other arm in Daphne's, and his head in Jonathan's. Silly, I know. But here's a photo of Jonathan and KD sharing a jacket.

We did a bunch of other stuff: went to Madame Tussaud's wax museum, ate more delicious food, and some other things. I'm not really up to transferring the pictures into my computer though; think I'll just put them up on my next post.

Maybe I'm just tired from getting back from the dressmaker's. My Mom, Daphy, and me had to have some long dresses fitted for a wedding we're attending. It's kind-of weird to have people sticking pins in your clothes while you watch them. The dresses were nice though.

So goodbye! Sorry for the short post; it's the jetlag, I guess. I'll have a better post next time.

***By the way, to yknot: You commented a few times asking for help but I can't seem to find a way to reply so hoping you read this in the near future. Sure, I'll help out though not promising I can really solve the problem. First I've heard of this happening myself, but I'll check it out. Just give me your e-mail please or the template in some way and we'll talk about it. Take care!

Daisy on 5/20/2007 04:17:00 PM