This is me.
And there goes the first week...

Well, the first week of the year is gone. OK, technically, it's still Saturday but it's like we're all seeing the hind end of this week. Haha, stupid analogy...

Anyway, this week was... um... :) a combination of post-New Year parties, dreary schoolwork, and irrationally urgent and psychologically significant house cleaning. Seriously, the cleaning thing... It was like spring cleaning (except there isn't any spring in this two-season country I live in). Two things amused about it:

(1) Through all the cleaning, nothing ever seemed to look any cleaner. Was it all in my mind or something? I'm still surrounded by piles of well... junk. :)

(2) I find myself keeping things at 3 in the morning, and other odd hours of day. I'm in bed, drifting to sleep, when I just get up to put a CD in a shelf which leads to bigger and better chores... You get the idea...

My sister and I did clean up our library though. We're going to be neurotic and put labels on the shelves haha. Whee. :)

I've been in a funk these past few days since school began though. Ah well, that's what school does to me. Now, I'd better work on that nearly 70-page term paper. The thought of it gnaws my insides.

Daisy on 1/07/2006 12:41:00 PM